Marketing in times of crisis

We take our role to advise our customers and the industry very seriously.

This virus will change markets. Dramatically change! Nations, society, industry and trade are in crisis mode. Three thoughts on the question, what can, what must marketing managers do now?

1.  Bring internal communication into focus

Companies now need an “all hands on deck” mentality. The prerequisite for the extra commitment now required is transparent internal communication; employees must be actively informed about the company’s situation. Clear statements from the management, especially the HR department, are at least as important as updates on operational processes. 2.  Customers, leads and multipliers

In addition to the natural dialogue with customers, the lead-nurturing processes and PR should be adapted. Aadvertising booked months ago, is currently getting rather little response, target groups (especially B2B) now have different paints, logically, content, PR and media plans should be adapted at short notice.

3.  Budgets and milestones

Productions, events and measures are currently set to pending. This changes project and expenditure plans. The motto must be “Smart Budgets”. Shifts e.g. towards online, resource and liquidity protection through prioritization and savings.

We take our role to advise very seriously. In order to support them, we offer our customers and SME entrepreneurs from the logistics industry an initial exchange of ideas on now sensible and necessary measures without obligation.

Now more than ever, we will all have to act together. If you need advice from us, please let us know.